Welcome to U-Haul Moving & Storage of Fox Valley!

Location, Location, Location!

Right at 195 S Route 59, Aurora, IL 60504, it’s the kind of place you might drive by and think, “Hey, there’s a fine establishment where my stuff could take a little vacation… and keep me from killing my in-laws during the next family move!” This isn’t just any self-storage facility; it’s one of U-Haul’s premier spots, and boy, does it know how to keep your prized possessions safe and sound.

Services Offered – Your Moving A-Team!

What do they offer, you ask? Well, an embarrassment of riches in the world of self-storage and moving solutions:

  • Self-storage units in sizes small, medium, and large—because let’s face it, how else are we going to store all of those lava lamps and high school diplomas?
  • Climate Controlled Storage—you know, for that irreplaceable collection of Beanie Babies.
  • U-Box® Containers—perfect for when you don’t know what you’ll need until you need it.
  • Moving Trucks & Trailers—because who really wants to borrow Uncle Larry’s rusty pickup?
  • Moving Supplies—everything from boxes to bubble wrap, including that oddly satisfying feeling when you pop them all. You know what I mean.
  • 24-Hour Access—because some of us operate under the cover of darkness (or just can’t sleep without moving our stuff around).

A Rich Tapestry of History

U-Haul has been in the moving business longer than many of us have been avoiding it. This facility is a proud member of that history—reliably serving the Aurora area with storage solutions big enough to handle your dreams and small enough to hide your adult toys from the neighbors. And it’s not just Aurora they’re serving; they cater to folks from surrounding areas, ensuring that everyone has a place to rest their boxed-up lives.

No Strings Attached

A little something sweet: if you reserve a truck or trailer, you can snag a month of free storage. And guess what? You can say goodbye to pesky deposits and admin fees. It’s like getting into a relationship with all the benefits and absolutely none of the liabilities—you’ve got special offers without that awkward “meet the parents” moment.

Final Thoughts

So there you have it, folks. U-Haul Moving & Storage of Fox Valley is where storage dreams come true and chaotic moves start taking shape in a more organized fashion. You’ve got a friendly team behind you, a variety of options at your fingertips, and resources to keep your belongings safe while you figure out which boxes belong to what move. In the grand tapestry of life and stuff, they are your weavers, ensuring you can focus on the important stuff—like deciding whether you really need that second frying pan.

U-Haul Moving & Storage Aurora IL Address

U-Haul Moving & Storage of Fox Valley
195 S Route 59
Aurora, IL 60504

U-Haul Moving & Storage Aurora IL Phone Number

(630) 820-0322

U-Haul Moving & Storage Aurora IL Website

U-Haul Moving & Storage of Fox Valley website

Find more self storage, truck rental, moving equipment rental, U-Haul, Fox Valley storage in Aurora, IL.